One snowfall remembered before 1900;
the second occasion was in 1901;
again in 1908;
on August 21, 1917;
once more on June 29, 1922;
during an R.S.L. ball in the Clare Town Hall in 1935,
a big fall on 10 September 1941,
in 1953
but missed out in September 2020.
- 1901 -- 1905 -- 1922 -- 1935 --1941 -- 1953 -
1901 - A Big Fall of Snow at Clare
The largest fall ever experienced so far as can be remembered at Clare, occurred on July 31, 1901. So far as Clare is concerned, the fall of July 31, 1901, was very deep over an area of about 100 square miles with Clare as the centre and lasted for nearly two days.
It was a memorable day for one Clare citizen—Mr. Godfrey. V. Tilbrook, who was born on July 31, 1901.
Another Clare citizen born the same week was Mr. Bob. Harmer, eldest son of Mr. Geo. J. Harmer.
A heavy fall of snow occurred here last night and today. The country this morning presented a novel appearance. As far as the eye could see, the country was covered with snow to a depth of from two to four inches.
Since Wednesday evening last over 3 In. of rain has fallen and during Saturday the cold was intense. At night snow began to fall and continued without intermission the whole night, and on Sunday morning the scene around the mountains and all over the town was unique and lovely.
Roofs, posts, and trees were white with snow some inches deep. Old people were greatly elated, the scene reminding, them of the dear old country, and the youths were soon busy snowballing.
1905 - Snow in the Country
August 22. 1905— Clare: A light fall of snow occurred here on Sunday at about noon. It was so light that it was almost invisible, and residents who anticipated having a good time snowballing were disappointed.
At dawn this morning a beautiful sight was witnessed here, the country for miles around being covered with snow several inches deep. Snow continued to fall until about 9 a.m., when it ceased for a while, but has continued. intermittently since. The youths of the town have been having a glorious time snowballing one another and passers-by generally.
1922 Snow - 29 June 1922
Slight falls of snow occurred at Clare and Watervale on Thursday.
1935 Clare Dance Novelty—Fight With Real Snow
Sat 3 Aug 1935
The committee of the Clare Returned Soldiers' Dance last night promised many novelties, but Nature provided the outstanding attraction. Directly after supper about 400 dancers turned out to see a genuine snowstorm, collecting snow from the hoods of many cars parked near the town hall for a snowball fight in evening dress. Shortly after, volunteers were called for to remove a huge tree that had crashed across the Main North road, completely blocking traffic.
Fri 16 Aug 1935 SNOW AT CLARE 34 YEARS AGO.
The editor of the Northern Argus has been shown several photographs, evidently the work of Mr. Solomon Williams, then of Clare, now of Glenelg, of the ground covered thickly with snow in Gleeson Street (now Victoria Road) and in adjacent paddocks.
It was a Sunday morning, and the full length of Gleeson strteet is depicted, with Miss Bowley (who at that time conducted a millinery business in the building now occupied by Messrs. Newton Long., Pty., in Main Street) wending her way to St. Michael's Church.
These photographs are in possession of the town clerk (Mr. A. Whiteman) and they belong to Mrs. Whiteman,. who received them from her aunt, the late Mrs. Saunders, wife of the late Inspector Saunders, of Clare.
There were no avenues of trees in Gleeson street then and horse yards were then occupying the corner site near the South Bridge on Mr. Bentley's property.
1941 Big fall of Snow at Clare
Clare and district residents who were early astir on Wednesday morning were greeted with an unusual sight of a big fall of snow, the countryside for miles being invested with a mantle of white. It is said the snow began to fall about 4 a.m., and by daylight a fine sight was revealed over hill and valley. Pine trees were a sight to behold, their limbs being weighed down with it, and even the red roofs of many Clare homes were obscured. The hills to the East of Clare—on Hill River, where previously it was a carpet of green, was one mass of snowy white. And the same can be said for the ranges and heavily timbered country to the westward. With the advent of the rising sun, however, the snow quickly melted, and the late risers were disappointed in not seeing the full vista. We have heard of several cases where boys and girls were early awake and carrying out snow-balling contests. In most instances it was the first visitation of its kind many young people had seen and great was the excitement.
In local districts snow was thickly and heavily reported at Watervale, and the men on the mid-day train Riverton to Spalding made a snow man at Auburn, and it was still in existence on its way through Hilltown and on arrival at Spalding.
Farrell's Flat
At Mt. Charlotte, near Andrews, a heavy cap of snow was reported. Farrell's Flat had its biggest fall of all time — being 3 or 4 inches deep for miles, and great fun was had by the population. In addition to snow falling in the early hours, heavy flakes fell between 8 and 9 a.m. In places it was up to 1½ feet deep.
Around Clare
The hills and valleys around White Hut, Spring Farm, and parts of the Sevenhills and Penwortham hills and Mintaro; also at Mt. Horrocks', were thickly coated with a white mantle. So far as Clare is concerned, the Adelaide report that it was the heaviest fall ever recorded by residents is not correct. The fall of July 31, 1901, was very deep.
1953 - Slight Fall of Snow at Clare Wed 19 Aug 1953
At about 12 o'dock on Saturday night or a little later, quite a number of residents reported having seen snow falling, but it was only a very slight fall.