The Collection
Boxed Files, etc.
Visual Guide to the Collection
The Clare History Group has gathered an extensive range of material, covering the history of Clare and the surrounding villages, even out some distance to surrounding townships.
By interacting with other history groups in places such as Burra and Blyth, it has been possible to establish not only a wonderful collection about the building of a town and its surroundings but also much about the people of various ethnic origins who came to live and contribute to the growth of a lively community spirit.
The Collection includes
an extensive library of books published about the area, as well as family and district histories.
Most of our written resources on the public library catalogue
Clare and Gilbert Valleys Libraries
Simply view the History Collection by Clicking this link:
Advanced users --https://www.libraries.sa.gov.au/client/en_AU/claregilbertvalleys/
Select “Advanced Search” and specify Clare Historical Collection.
Visual Guide to the Collection
(Hint, click the newspaper image, then
select Newspapers & Gazettes>Browse)
The large range of material in the Collection also covers such items of historical value as:
Clare's Northern Argus from 1869 to the present.
Or use the archived digital copies (Trove) at the National Library
(Hint, click the above link, select Newspapers & Gazettes>Browse) -
The South Australia Register for the years 1836-1874.
Or use the archived digital copies (Trove) at the National Library (Hint, click the above link, select Newspapers & Gazettes>Browse)
Church, School and Council records from the earliest days of the settlement in the area.
A Cemetery Index of all known burials and headstones in the immediate vicinity.
The Abbott Index to names in The Northern Argus and other early SA papers.
The Pattullo Land History of Clare, detailing transactions for the area of the Hutt River Special Survey (1841-1990).
Digger CD's for the the
State Index to Births (1842-1928),
Deaths (1842-1972) and
Marriages (1842-1937) for the whole of SA.
Our local index extends beyond these dates slightly.
The Group's own CRHG Index of local material, arranged by surname, subject and locality is in development.
Clare History Group projects have included the reproduction of newspaper articles in a compact form.
As an example,
Material extracted from The Northern Argus includes a series of 13 articles by John Joseph 'Boss' Simons, who had grown up in Clare and gone to Western Australia to a distinguished career.
The History Group recognised the wonderful span of Clare's history which they contained, and these articles are now available in book form as
The Clare I Remember - Reminiscences of Clare in the 1880s & 1890s.

Box Files Index
Click the view below or
click the Xls button to view current index